【ドラッカーの思想】”時代遅れ” とされたキルケゴールの遅れようがない実存哲学(後編)

It was the very essence of all nineteenth-century creeds that eternity can and will be reached in time; that truth can be established in society and through majority decision; that permanence can be obtained through change. This is the belief in inevitable progress, representative of the Nineteenth Century and its very own contribution to human thought.
You may take the creed of progress in its most naive and therefore most engaging form – the confidence that man automatically and through his very sojourn in time becomes better, more nearly perfect, more closely approached the divine. You may take the creed in its more sophisticated form – the dialectic schemes of Hegel and Marx in which truth unfolds itself in the synthesis between thesis and antithesis, each synthesis becoming in turn the thesis of a new dialectical integration on a higher and more nearly perfect level.
Or you may take the creed in the pseudoscientific garb of the theory of evolution through natural selection.
In each form it has the same substance: a fervent belief that by piling up time we shall attain eternity; by piling up matter we shall become spirit; by piling up change we shall become permanent; by piling up trial and error we shall find truth. For Kierkegaard, the problem of the final value was one of uncompromising conflict between contradictory qualities. For the Nineteenth Century, the problem was one of quantity.
Where Kierkegaard conceives the human situation as essentially tragic, the Nineteenth Century overflowed with optimism. Not since the year 1000, when all Europe expected the Second Coming, has there been a generation which saw itself so close to the fulfilment of time as did the men of the Nineteenth Century.
In this creed of imminent perfection, in which every progress in time meant progress toward eternity, permanence, and truth, there was no room for tragedy (the conflict of two absolute forces, of two absolute laws). There was not even room for catastrophe. Everywhere in the nineteenth-century tradition the tragic is exorcised, catastrophe supressed.
A good example is the attempt – quite popular these last few years – to explain so cataclysmic a phenomenon as Hitlerism in terms of “faulty psychological adjustment,” that is, as something that has nothing to do with the spirit but is exclusively a matter of techniques.
Or, in a totally different sphere, compare Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra with Flaubert’s Madame Bovary, and see how the essentially tragic “eros” becomes pure “sex” – psychology, physiology, even passion, but no longer a tragic, i.e., an insoluble, conflict.
Or one might, as one of the triumphs of the attempt to suppress catastrophe, take the early Communist explanation of Nazism as “just a necessary stage in the inevitable victory of the proletariat.” There you have in purest form the official creed that whatever happens in time must be good, however evil it is. Neither catastrophe nor tragedy can exist.(中略)
Yet however successful the Nineteenth Century was in suppressing the tragic, there is one fact that could not be suppressed, one fact that remains outside of time: death.
It is the one fact that cannot be made general but remains unique, the one fact that cannot be socialized but remains personal. The Nineteenth Century made every effort to strip death of its individual, unique, and qualitative aspect. It made death an incident in vital statistics, measurable quantitatively, predictable according to the actuarial laws of probability. It tried to get around death by organizing away its consequences. Life insurance is perhaps the most significant institution of nineteenth-century metaphysics; its proposition “to spread the risks” shows most clearly the nature of the attempt to consider death an incident in human life rather than its termination.
And the Nineteenth Century invented spiritualism – an attempt to control life after death by mechanical means.(中略)
So long as death persists, the optimistic concept of life, the belief that eternity can be reached through time, and that the individual can fulfill himself in society, must have only one outcome – despair.
Suddenly every man finds himself facing death; and at this point he is all alone; all individual. If his existence is purely in society, he is lost – for now this existence becomes meaningless. Kierkegaard diagnosed the phenomenon and called it the “despair at not willing to be an individual.”
Superficially, the individual can recover from this encounter with the problem of existence in eternity; he may even forget it for a while. But he can never regain his confidence in his existence in society. Basically he remains in despair.
Society must make it possible for man to die without despair if it wants him to be able to live exclusively in society. And it can do so in only one way – by making individual life meaningless.
If you are nothing but a leaf on the tree of the race, a cell in the body of society, then your death is not really death; you had better call it a process of collective regeneration. But then, of course, your life is not real life either; it is just a functional process within the life of the whole, devoid of any meaning except in terms of the whole.
Thus as Kierkegaard foresaw a hundred years ago, an optimism that proclaims human existence as existence in society leads straight to despair. And this despair can lead only to totalitarianism. For totalitarianism – and that is the trait that distinguishes it so sharply from the tyrannies of the past – is based on the affirmation of the meaninglessness of life and of the non-existence of the person.
Hence the emphasis in the totalitarian creed is not on how to live, but on how to die; to make death bearable, individual life had to be made worthless and meaningless. The optimistic creed, that started out as making life in this world mean everything, led straight to the Nazi glorification of self-immolation as the only act in which man can meaningfully exist. Despair becomes the essence of life itself.(中略)
Is then the only conclusion that human existence can be only existence in tragedy and despair? Are the sages of the East right who see the only answer in the destruction of self, in the submersion of man into the Nirvana, the nothingness?
Kierkegaard has another answer: human existence is possible as existence not in despair, as existence not in tragedy; it is possible as existence in faith. The opposite of Sin (to use the traditional term for existence purely in society) is not Virtue; it is Faith.
Faith is the belief that in God the impossible is possible, that in Him time and eternity are one, that both life and death are meaningful. Faith is the knowledge that man is creature – not autonomous, not the master, not the end, not the centre – and yet responsible and free.
It is the acceptance of man’s essential loneliness, to be overcome by the certainty that God is always with man, even “unto the hour of our death.”(中略)
Though Kierkegaard’s faith cannot overcome the awful loneliness, the isolation and dissonance of human existence, it can make it bearable by making it meaningful.
The philosophy of the totalitarian creeds enables man to die. It is dangerous to underestimate the strength of such a philosophy; for, in a time of sorrow and suffering, of catastrophe and horror, it is a great thing to be able to die. Yet it is not enough.
Kierkegaard’s faith, too, enables man to die; but it also enables him to live.

- 経済分野では、ハイエクらの自由主義を偽装しつつ、人間を「理性」的存在から「欲望人」に貶め、新自由主義を蔓延させた。イギリスのサッチャーが発病すると進行は早かった。アメリカのレーガンに伝染し、日本の中曽根政権に飛び火した。緊縮財政、民営化、規制緩和の三種の神器で公的部門の富を奪い「内国窮乏策」で先進国庶民の弱体化を進めた。ようやくトランプやBrexitでナショナリストの反撃が始まったものの、メディアはスクラムを組んで民の声を抑圧しようとしている。
- 社会分野でも「革命」は遂行中である。皮肉なことに、それは「実存主義者」サルトルのパートナーであるボーヴォワールのフェミニズムに端を発した。万国の労働者の代りに女性が「革命」主体に選ばれ、まず家庭という旧秩序が破壊された。さらに次なるターゲットとして性的弱者が選ばれ、ジェンダー理論による武装が始まると、社会正義を戦場する公序良俗の破壊が始まった。それはポリコレやセクハラやパワハラの装いのもと、日々メディアを賑わせている。
イノベーターの条件―社会の絆をいかに創造するか (はじめて読むドラッカー (社会編))
イノベーターの条件 社会の絆をいかに創造するか/P.F.ドラッカー/上田惇生【3000円以上送料無料】