
お金の話, 政治・社会, 英語の話, 貨幣論・歴史

今回はお金にまつわる質疑応答を紹介します。英語原文は、Q$A形式をとった書物(“Money! Questions and Answers” 1936年刊)の一部です。

100年近く前の議論をなぜ紹介するのかといえば、いまも議論の重要性が失われてない、いや、さらに重要性は増している、と感じるからです。回答者すなわち著者は、カナダ生まれでアメリカに帰化したローマカトリック教会の神父チャールズ・コフリン(Charles Coughlin)。コフリン神父の主張の核心は、現行の貨幣システムが違憲(合衆国憲法違反)であるとの告発にあります。



Image result for charles coughlin

コフリン神父はフランクリン・ルーズベルト大統領とニューディール政策を支持していましたが、「不都合な真実」に気づくや反対派の闘士に転じました。ニューディール政策への対抗運動としてNational Union for Social Justice(NUSJ)を組織し、当時最新メディアだったラジオ番組に出演して弁舌をふるい、共和党、民主党に次ぐ第三の政党Unioinの立ち上げに奮闘します。

その過程でお金の改革(monetary reform)こそ社会正義実現への第一歩であると訴えました。

Image result for franklin roosevelt national union for social justice











出典: https://www.michaeljournal.org/articles/social-credit/item/money-questions-and-answers

While the National Union for Social Justice appreciates the splendid efforts which noble statesmen have made in the past to restore to Congress the power to coin money and regulate its value, there is also the realization that these efforts have been in vain because an uninformed and misinformed people have labored under the delusion that switching party politics instead of changing the money policies was the key to contentment and prosperity…




The Constitution and money(憲法と貨幣)

How is personal, physical life sustained under diversified activities?

By the exchanging of goods and services.



How is this exchange of goods and services accomplished?

Through the medium of money, which was originated by social necessity to make possible exchanges of varieties of articles and articles of unequal value.



Is the substance of which money is made important?

No. It is the legal status given it by government stamp that makes it acceptable by all as money, whether it be made of metal, or of paper.



Who should create money?

The Government, representing all of the people.



In our country (the U.S.A.), what governing body should represent all of the people?

The Congress of the United States.



Does the Constitution of the United States provide that Congress should originate our money?

Yes. It is very specific and well defined: “Congress shall have the power to coin money and regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin”. Article 1, Section 8, Part 5.



Under existing laws, does our National Government originate our money?

No, only to a very limited extent.



Who does originate (create) our money?

Private corporations, commonly called banks, now originate practically all of our money.



Why have private individuals usurped and exercised the sovereign power of issuing our money?

Because when that power is held and exercised by private individuals, they can and do control the entire economic, social and governmental system and derive enormous, illicit, profits therefrom.



Under our present private money-creating system, what do the bankers get for nothing?

They get interest on the money they create and lend, and title to people’s properties by confiscation of properties pledged, if the loans are not repaid at a specific time.



Can Congress delegate a power, reserved to it by the Constitution as a public function, to be operated for private profit without specifications?

No, not without violating the Constitution of the United States.



Has Congress delegated for private profit and without specification the power to originate our money?

Yes, by the National Bank Act of 1863, and the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, as well as intermediary and subsequent enactments.



Why does this violation continue?

Because every time a Franklin, a Jefferson, a Jackson, or a Lincoln, or any other honest public servant attempted to arouse the people to the fraud from which they suffer, the private money creators — international bankers — arose in their might and used their controlled press, their bootlick politicians, their office boy bankers, their docile clergymen, and their power over the prosperity of America, to smash the drive for economic freedom. Thus far, they have succeeded.



How can Congress regain its privilege of issuing our money?

There is no need to regain what it has not the right to surrender. It still has that right, and can, and should immediately resume the exercise of this most important constitutional command.



Are the Federal Reserve Banks really Federal?

They are not. The Federal Reserve Banks are private stock corporations owned entirely by other private corporations known as member banks. They are no more Federal than the Federal Bakery or Federal Laundry.



What is a Federal Reserve Bank?

It is a Central Bank, the bankers’ bank.





If banks, then, are debt shops where money is manufactured for the purpose of creating debts, is money issued primarily for usurious purposes?

Yes. Money comes into existence from the banks only as “interest-bearing-loans” which interest must be paid by every person who uses money.



What is usury?

Usury is a breach against the commandment “Thou shalt not steal”, and is related to three specific immoral actions listed under the following: (a) Charging an unreasonable and abnormal rate of interest. (b) Charging interest on any recognized non-productive or destructive loan. (c) Charging interest on a loan of fictitious money which the lender created, thereby demanding from the borrower an unjust return, in the latter case, the lender reaps where he did not sow.



Is usury opposed to morality?

Yes, and it is also opposed to Christian teaching.




Effects of a dishonest money system(不正直な貨幣システムの弊害)

What will happen if the present money system is continued and if the present policies endure?

  • Private individuals will coin money for their own personal gain.
  • Corporations organized for production, such as automobiles, steel and textiles, will be under the domination of the private money creators.
  • The government itself will be dominated by the money plutocrats.
  • The press, dependent upon advertising received from banker-dominated corporations and commercial houses, will continue to deceive the people.
  • The educational system will continue to ostracize the truths of economics from our schools.
  • The citizens, weighed down by the unbearable costs of war and depression, will be inclined to blame a democratic form of government and unwittingly relinquish the liberties already won for the bare necessities of life, which the plutocrats will allow them only at the sacrifice of liberty. Dictatorship will necessarily ensue.


    • 民間の特定個人(訳注:銀行のこと)が私利のために貨幣を創造し続ける。
    • 自動車、鉄鋼、繊維などの製造企業はこれら民間貨幣創造者に牛耳られる。
    • 政府は金融利権者に牛耳られる。
    • 金融利権者の支配する企業がスポンサーのメディアは国民を欺き続ける。
    • 教育システムは学校から経済学の真理を追放し続ける。
    • 戦役と不況の耐え難い負担にあえぐ市民は、民主政システムそのものを批判するよう仕向けられる。そうして、すでに手中にしている最低限の生活必需品を贖う自由を意図せず放棄する。金融利権者が生活物資と引き換えに市民から自由を奪ったのと同義であり、ここに独裁統治が生じる。

Advantages of an honest money system(正直な貨幣システムの利点)

What will happen after an honest money system is established? An honest money system will help us:

  • To restore sovereignty over money to its rightful possessors, namely, the People, through Congress.
  • To rid Congress of servile politicians.
  • To eliminate from domination over the government the manipulators of money who oftentimes were the cause of war.
  • To insure lasting peace among nations whose governments will be able to legislate laws independent of the international money changers.
  • To make possible the real freedom of the press and the teaching of the truth in all schools, freed once and for all from the domination of money creators.
  • To permit Christian virtue to be practised when want is destroyed in the midst of plenty.


    • 正当な権利保持者すなわち国民は議会を通じてその貨幣主権を取り戻す。
    • 金融利権にこびへつらう政治家が議会から排除される。
    • 政治から貨幣の操り手たちの支配を取り除く。十中八九、戦争の原因はこの者たちである。
    • 国際両替商の思惑と関係なく立法が可能な諸政府を通じて国際平和を確保する。
    • メディアは真の報道の自由を得、すべての学校は真理を教えられる。
    • 貧困は豊かさの只中に消え去り、キリスト教徒の徳が世に行き渡る。



Without economic freedom, both physical and political liberty are meaningless. Their existence depends almost totally upon financial freedom. It is essential that we Americans recapture our sovereign right of coining and regulating our money and of foreign coin. It is essential that we cease paying tribute to the Federal Reserve Banks who create our money out of nothing and lend it into use with an invisible tax appended to it. It is either your money or your life.


You must act like apostles who have learned the truth. You must spread the gospel of financial freedom even at the cost of life itself… Form your battalions, independent of the leadership of the press, the politician and the poltroon! Cast aside your lethargy!



Father Coughlin at microphone