だから、とグノーシス主義者はいう。自分というものに関する真実の知識(グノーシス)を得たい人間は、奴隷働きをせず、”霊的に” 社会から脱出しなければならない。

グノーシス的な人間は現代社会でもよく見かける。別に仏門を叩かないかもしれないが、たくさん棲息している。宗教や芸術に関心の向く人はみな多かれ少なかれ “社会不適応” を心に抱え、生きにくい思いをしているように見える。
有名な心理学者グスタフ・ユング(Carl Gustav Jung)もまた生きにくい思いを抱えていた人だった。
We might essay such an answer by saying that the Gnostics differed from the majority of humankind, not only in details of belief and of ethical precept, but in their most essential and fundamental view of existence and its purpose.
Their divergence was a radical one in the sense of the word, for it went back to the root (Latin: Radix) of humankind’s assumptions and attitudes regarding life.
Irrespective of their religious and philosophical beliefs, most people nourish certain unconscious assumptions pertaining human condition which do not spring from the formative, focused agencies of consciousness but which radiate from a deep, unconscious substratum of the mind.
This mind is ruled by biology rather than by psychology; it is automatic rather than subject to conscious choices and insights. The most important among these assumptions, which may be said to sum up all others, is the belief that the world is good and that our involvement in it is somehow desirable and ultimately beneficial.
This assumption leads to a host of others, all of which are more or less characterized by submissiveness toward external conditions and toward the laws which seem to govern them.
In spite countless illogical and malevolent events of our lives, the incredible sequences, by-ways, repetitious insanities of human history, both collective and individual, we will believe it to be incumbent upon us to go along with the world, for it is, after all, God’s world, and thus it must have meaning and goodness concealed within its operations, no matter how difficult to discern.
Thus we must go on fulfilling our role within the system we can, being obedient children, diligent husbands, dutiful wives, well-behaved butchers, bakers, candlestick-makers, hoping against hope that a revelation of meaning will somehow emerge from this meaningless life of conformity.
Not so, said the Gnostics. Money, power, governments, the raising of families, paying of taxes, the endless chain of entrapment in circumstances and obligations?none of these were ever rejected as totally and unequivocally in human history as they were by the Gnostics.
The Gnostics never hoped that any political or economic revolution could, or even should, do away with all the iniquitous elements within the system wherein the human soul is entrapped. Their rejection was not of one government or form of ownership in favor of another; rather it concerned the entire prevailing systematization of life and experience.
Thus the Gnostics were, in fact, knowers of a secret so deadly and terrible that the rulers of this world―i.e., the powers, secular and religious, who always profited from the established systems of society―could not afford to have this secret known and, even less, to have it publicly proclaimed in their domain.
Indeed the Gnostics knew something, and it was this: that human life does not fulfill its promise within the structures and establishments of society, for all of these are at best but shadowy projections of another and more fundamental reality.
No one comes to his true selfhood by being what society wants him to be nor by doing what it wants him to do. Family, society, church, trade and profession, political and patriotic allegiances, as well as moral and ethical rules and commandments are, in reality, not in the least conducive to the true spiritual welfare of the human soul. On the contrary, they are more often than not the very shackles which keep us from our true spiritual destiny.
This feature of Gnosticism was regarded as heretical in olden days, and even today is often called “world denying” and “anti-life,” but it is, of course, merely good psychology as well as good spiritual theology because it is good sense.
The politician and the social philosopher may look upon the world as a problem to be solved, but the Gnostic, with his psychological discernment, recognizes it as a predicament from which we need to extricate ourselves by insight.
For Gnostics, like psychologists, do not aim at the transformation of the world but at the transformation of the mind, with its natural consequence―a changed attitude toward the world.
Most religions also tend to affirm a familiar attitude of internalism in theory, but, as the result of their presence within the establishments of society, they always deny it in practice. Religions usually begin as movements of radical liberation along spiritual lines but inevitably end up as pillars of the very societies which are the jailers of our souls.
If we wish to obtain Gnosis, the knowledge of the heart that renders human beings free, we must disentangle ourselves from the false cosmos created by our conditioned minds.
The Greek word kosmos, as well as the Hebrew word olam, while frequently mistranslated as world, really denote more the concept of systems.
When the Gnostics said that the system around them was evil and that one had to get away from it in order to know truth and discover meaning, they acted not only as the forerunners of innumerable alienated drop-outs from St. Francis to the beatniks and hippies, but they also stated a psychological fact since rediscovered by modern depth psychology.