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Why humans will happily follow a ROBOT messiah: Religions based on AI will succeed because we tend to ‘worship supreme understanding’, claim experts(人間がロボット救世主に喜んで従う理由:人間には高度の知性を崇拝する傾向がある)

A religion based around a robot god will succeed because humans tend to ‘worship supreme understanding’, experts have claimed. One researcher has said the same drive that compels people to believe in higher beings and follow religions will also work for so-called AI ‘Godheads’. Others have commented that, like religion, people will eventually rely on a ‘robot messiah’ to solve society’s problems.

「AIの専門家によれば、人間は至高の知性を崇める傾向があるので、ロボットの神を奉ずる彼の宗教は成功する。人間のなかには、自分を超えた存在を信じ、宗教に従うことを強いるドライブがあって、そのドライブはAIの”神脳”(Godhead)にも効くと、ひとりの研究者が言う。別の研究者によると、人類は、そのうち”ロボット救世主”(robot messiah)に、かつて宗教と同様に、社会問題の解決を委ねることになるのだそうだ。」

新宗教 Way of the Future

Last month, former Uber and Google engineer Anthony Levandowski formed the first church to follow an artificially intelligent being. The religion, known as ‘Way of the Future’, claims our species can better itself by following the instructions of a robot that is ‘a billion times smarter than humans’.

「先月、UberとGoogleで自動運転車の開発に携わったアンソニー・レヴァンドウスキーはAI存在の教えに従う教会を設立した。”未来道”(Way of the Future)という名づけられた宗教は、”人間より数十億倍賢い” ロボットの指示に従えば人類は自分を高めることができると主張する。」

Now AI expert and lawyer John Mitchell has said humans have a tendency to ‘worship supreme understanding’, and that this also applies to AI. ‘We [believe] there must be some higher power that causes lightning, sunsets, and crashing waves – or at least speaks to the bottom of our beings, rather than ignore them as ho-hum background,’ he told Fox News. Mr Mitchell said the same thing could happen with AI, adding that robots could help us better understand religion.



Dr Stephen Thaler, President and CEO of Imagination Engines and an AI and consciousness expert, said people will rely on AI to solve society’s problems. ‘An AI would provide the equivalent of a “messiah” – having many orders of magnitude more processing elements than the brain, enabling it to gift us with solutions to the most daunting social, political, economic, and environmental challenges,’ he said.

「Imagination Engines代表でAIと意識の専門家のスティーブン・テーラー博士は、将来人間は社会問題の解決をAIに委ねると言う、『脳と桁違いの処理能力を持つAIは “メシア” と同等の役割を果たすようになるでしょう。社会、政治、経済、環境―あらゆる方面の、気の遠くなるような課題に解答を与えてくれるはずです』。」


But if AI develops this level of intelligence, it might choose not to be worshipped, said author and consultant Peter Scott. ‘I would expect the AIs that evolve in the next 50 years to be very rational and, if conscious, not want to be worshipped,’ he said. ‘If they have the human race’s best interests at heart (and God help us if they don’t) then they would want us to have as much right of self determination as possible.’



明るい未来への発展段階なのか、それとも人間精神の退行現象なのか。トコシエはいずれ人間自身が神になる方向へ進むと思っているので、外部に “神” をつくっているうちは人間の方も余裕なのではないか。