




建設時の名称はアウグスタ・トレヴェロールム(Augusta Treverorum)。ベルギー原住民のトレベリ族(Treveri)の地をアウグスティヌスが征服して建設した都市という意味になります。隣接するルクセンブルクも同じく、元はトレベリ族が住んでいた土地だったそうです。


ローマ人はローマ風の建築や水道技術とともに、さまざまなローマ文化をもたらしました。そのひとつが赤ワイン醸造技術だったのですが、土地が赤ワイン品種の栽培に適しませんでした。そのため独自に白ワイン品種(リースリング)を作り出したトリーアはモーゼルワイン(Model Wine)の発祥地として知られています。







  • トリーアは政教分離に反動的な動きをしていたプロイセン王国に属していました。プロイセンは18世紀末頃からユダヤ人にキリスト教徒と同等の市民権と義務を与えようとする動きが活発でした。しかしマルクスが生まれた時代の王ヴィルヘルム4世は反動的政策を打ち出し、ユダヤ人から市民権を取り上げようと画策しました。プロイセンがプロテスタントを国教化したためです(改宗しないユダヤ人は異教徒認定)。この国教化は聖書のイエスが説いていた「カエサルのものはカエサルへ」の政教分離原則に背く選択でした。
    • とはいえトリーア近辺はフランスとの国境地域で文化的にも独仏のせめぎあう土地柄です。しかもローマ時代の古都ですから、いわゆるゲルマン系バリバリの土地柄ではありません。そうした風土が青年マルクスを左派思想家に近づけたのかもしれません。
  • パリは元来カトリック教国家であるがゆえ政教分離を暴力(王の虐殺)でしか成し遂げられなかった急進革命の地です。言語的にもプロイセンとは異質なラテン系言語の世界です。
  • ロンドンは自由主義の揺籃の地であり、大陸より穏やかな政教分離を模索していたイングランドに属していました。イングランドは保革のバランス感覚の発達した土地で、当時、政教分離原則をすでに確立していたアメリカの政治的母胎となった政治文化を持つ国です。




そんなマルクスの代表的理論とされるのが弁証法的唯物論です。これはフォイエルバッハ類的本質(species being)というモチーフに深く動かされたマルクスが、ヘーゲルに代表される人間理性を別格に祀り上げたドイツ観念論に疑念を抱き、それを乗り越えるために、ヘーゲルをベースに、イギリス系の経済思想(労働価値説使用価値)やフランスの社会主義思想家やアナーキストの発想をも取り込みながら練り上げた壮大な社会思想パノラマでした。

人間と動物を分けるのは意識だというが、それだけでは曖昧だ。人間のどういう意識が人間に固有なのか?それは人間だけが、他の人間と自分に共通しつつ、しかも自分はそれを乗り越えられない “類としての本質” を意識している。そういうものを人類は「神」と呼ぶのだ、というわけです。この意味でフォイエルバッハもマルクスも無神論者ではなく信心を否定していません。むしろ彼らは神学否定者なのです。神学は「神」を哲学の領域に持ち込むことで「神」を合理化しようとする矛盾に過ぎない(”類としての本質” は合理化しても動かしえない)、と考えたからです。




If you’ve never heard the term dialectical materialism, you’re far from alone. Dialectical materialism, or “diamat,” is a worldview and philosophy created by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.  It is one of the most important aspects of Marxism, and encapsulates all of Marx’s ideas about the world, society, economics, and what he thought was the immanent socialist revolution.


But, perhaps surprisingly, it is often an obscure, opaque topic.  Many Marxists don’t even understand it, or don’t understand it well enough to explain it to someone else.  It took me months before I had a firm grasp on it, and to my dismay, there are very few online resources that put it in concise, understandable terms. (中略)



Dialectical Materialism is a way of understanding society, history, and the world around us. Applied properly, it can explain just about everything there is to do with humans, our civilizations, our cultures, our religion, etc.


Basically, the type of society we live in is dependent on the “mode of production” in which we live. As Engels put it: “The determining factor in history is, in the final instance, the production and reproduction of the immediate essentials of life.” This includes the propagation of the species.


Human society is based on the production of food, clothing, shelter, tools, resources, etc. Without these things, we would never have been able to expand and flourish. The natural resources we have available to us, plus our ability to shape these resources to our liking, plus the relations between individuals, groups, and classes, form what is called the base of a society.


Materialism in this sense means that the world (and human society) is made up of material things, or, put more scientifically, of matter. This was Marx’s alternative to GWF Hegel’s “idealism,” which basically holds that things are the way they are because of our ideas.

Idealism holds that there is no “objective reality” and that reality is in some way dependent on the human mind. It is the basis of postmodernism and wholly rejected by most Marxists, although Marx greatly admired Hegel (and Hegel’s philosophy is much more complicated than we have time to get into).




To illustrate the differences between materialism and idealism in practice, let us consider two explanations for the fact that European empires dominated indigenous peoples on every continent for over half a millennium.


The (not necessarily Hegelian) idealist might posit that Europeans were able to colonize the rest of the world because Europeans are somehow inherently superior, or ordained by God to do so – that is a form of idealism as it is based on “ideas” about the world, and about people.


The materialist explanation for European imperial/colonial domination is that European cultures, due to their close proximity to each other which facilitated trade, exchange, and competition, reached higher levels of technological achievement than most other parts of the world, which they then leveraged into military domination.

One is based on ideas, the other on material conditions. Which makes more sense to you?




So we understand materialism, but what makes it “dialectical”? Dialectics means two or more things are constantly affecting each other, back and forth, back and forth, until they reach a culmination of some sort. In idealism, this culmination is the synthesis of a thesis and antithesis. In materialism, this culmination is revolution.


Remember our base, which encapsulates the material realities of the production and reproduction of the immediate essentials of life. It is only one half of our dialectic; the second half is called the superstructure.


The superstructure is all of the elements of society not directly related to production. These elements are apparent to even the least astute observer. It’s the art a society creates, its family values, its religious makeup, its societal norms, its politics, and on and on.



All of that stuff doesn’t seem like it has anything to do with the “production and reproduction of the immediate essentials of life,” but it really does. For example, in prehistoric or “stone age” human societies with no concept of private property, monogamy was much less common (or even non-existent) and marriage did not exist.

But when these societies evolve to horticultural and agricultural societies with tools and implements (means of production) capable of creating a surplus, the concept of “private property” arises, and with it marriage and the family, which is the only way to ensure that a man’s property is truly left to HIS children when he dies (parentage was matrilineal in human societies before the development of private property).

Thus you get patriarchy, slut-shaming, and gender roles.




So the base creates the superstructure, which then reinforces the base. Think of orthodox Christianity’s emphasis on “obeying your Earthly masters,” working hard, and achieving a heavenly afterlife at the expense of a decent life on Earth. This pacifies people on the lowest rungs of society by encouraging them to accept the relations of production, or the base. The base forms the superstructure, which reinforces the base.


But that is not the whole story. The base shapes (and maintains) the superstructure, which maintains (and shapes) the base. But there is still the culmination of this process: revolution.



Revolution occurs when internal contradictions within a society’s base create what I’ll call “dissenting forces” within the superstructure. When these dissenting forces reach critical mass, they will destroy the old base and replace it with a new one. Slavery became feudalism, feudalism became capitalism, capitalism will become socialism.


This is why social movements and ideologies that challenge the base are often crushed by the dominant powers of the superstructure, most often the State.

Think of revolutionary Christianity and the hippie movement, or Occupy Wall Street and Black Lives Matter. These are movements within the superstructure that sought to fundamentally change the base. In the former two examples, the movements were neutered and gradually accepted into the superstructure in less revolutionary forms; the latter two examples were/are suppressed, often violently.



So, to sum up, the material conditions of a society (base) create the identity of that society (superstructure). The society continues until its internal contradictions create the material conditions for a revolution, which has the power to fundamentally restructure the base.


That, in a nutshell, is dialectical materialism. It is a simplified and overly linear explanation, but it is enough of an introduction to begin thinking dialectically.

