【AI考】AIのフェーズ2? 汎用AIの開発はどこまで進んでいるのか?
ここからは原文を併せて見ていこう。これは今年のGoogle I/Oで開かれたセッションの要約記事になる。回答者はグーグルの著名なAI研究者二人。
グーグルが年一回開催する開発者向け会議。I/Oはinput/outputの略であるとともに、グーグルのモットー “Innovation in the Open” の短縮形でもある。
たとえば、今年のGoogle I/Oで発表された主な新サービスやコンセプトについては以下の記事に詳しい。
Figuring out what’s possible today, when it comes to artificial intelligence, is a full-time job in and of itself. Which is why it’s important to start with a fundamental question.
Fei Fei Li, Chief Scientist of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for Google Cloud, says that question is:
Can machines think?
The answer today, according to Google, is a resounding no. When asked if solving image recognition was enough for her to believe we’re on the way to machines that truly think, Li simply says “No, that’s not enough.”
It seems we’re nowhere near artificial general intelligence (AGI), or machines that equal or surpass humans in our ability to think, process, predict, examine, and learn.
Greg Corrado, Principle Scientist at Google and co-founder of the Google Brain program, was asked if we’re close to AGI, and his response sums up what many in the community are thinking:
I really don’t think so. My feeling is: okay we finally got artificial neural networks to be able to recognize cats, and we’ve solved this holy grail problem of image recognition, but that’s only one small sliver, a tiny sliver, of what goes into something like intelligence. We haven’t even scratched the surface. So to me, it’s really just a leap too far to imagine that, having finally cracked pattern recognition after decades of trying, that we would then be on the verge of artificial general intelligence.
The problem is the same for Google’s top researchers as it is for laymen: we’re watching as a technology that was little more than a hobby for cognitive science researchers seven or eight years ago becomes as important to the core development of all technologies as networking is. And, if you believe the experts, in five to ten years machine learning will be as important as electricity.
生体の神経回路網との混同を避ける場合には、人工ニューラル・ネットワーク(Artificial Neural Network)ともいう。人間の脳内の情報処理機構を模した人工知能向けの開発基盤。
ウォールド・ガーデンは流行らない No more walled gardens
Despite what pundits and so-called experts claim, deep learning doesn’t always happen in a magical void. While some refer to neural networks as ‘alchemy,’ others have a very different view. According to Corrado:
There’s this pathology that AI or deep learning is a black box, but it really isn’t. We didn’t study how it works because, for a long time, it really didn’t work well. But now that it’s working well, there are a lot of tools and techniques that go into examining how these systems work.
And this means that the only way forward is through open source algorithms, equal opportunity access to training data sets, and better tools for everyone. Corrado continues:
It’s critical that we share as much as possible about how these things work, I don’t belive these technologies should live in walled gardens but instead we should develop tools that can be used by everyone in the community … The same tools that my applied machine learning team uses to tackle problems that we’re interested in, those same tools are accessible to you to try to solve the same problems in the same way.
Gated Communityともいう。「壁に囲まれた庭」とは、事業者が管理する閉鎖環境内での自由なサービス取引を意味する。わかりやすい例は、かつて一世を風靡したNTTドコモのiモード。転じて、閉鎖的な研究開発環境を指す。
The future is centaurs not killer robots
The future, according to these top researchers, is a world where AI augments nearly everything people do — people plus machines, not people or machines. It’s easy to see that blueprint in Google’s plans – whether you buy in to the corporate message or not is up to you.
But, much like the bursting of the dotcom bubble, we’ve had our child-like optimism and innocence crushed in the wake of the Cambridge Analytica scandal. AI runs on data, and that data belongs to humans, not companies.
The future of AI is unwritten. The field of AI is simply too nascent for anyone to predict what’ll happen next. At the same time, however, there’s more than half-a-century of work in the field indicating that AI is the future of all technology.
Corrado and Li called this “phase two,” after 60 years of development in the field of artificial intelligence they, and their peers around the world, are just getting started.
ギリシャ神話に登場する半人半馬の英雄。強壮さで名をはせたスキタイ軍人(Scythian warrior)の人馬一体の戦いぶりがモデルになっているといわれる。ここでは人間と動物(AI)が力を合わせて事を成し遂げる比喩として使われている。殺人兵器はあくまで人間に使役される機械。
