

2018.5.29 加筆






I want to talk to you today about the future of our species and the future of life. We are probably one of the last generations of Homo sapiens. Within a century or two the earth will be dominated by entities that are more different from us than we are different from Neanderthals or from chimpanzees because in the coming generations we will learn how to engineer bodies and brains and minds.

This will be the main products of the economy of the 21st century economy, not textiles and vehicles and weapons but bodies and brains and minds.




Now how exactly will the future masters of the planet look like? This will be decided by the people who own the data, those who control the data control the future, not just of humanity but of the future of life itself because today data is the most important asset in the world.



In ancient times land was the most important asset; and if too much land became concentrated in too few hands, humanity split into aristocrats and commoners. Then in the modern age in the last two centuries, machinery replaced land as the most important asset; and if too many of the machines became concentrated in too few hands, humanity split into classes, into capitalists and proletarians. Now data is replacing machinery as the most important asset; and if too much of the data becomes concentrated in two for your hands, humanity will split not in two classes, but it will split into species in two different species.



Now why is data so important? It’s important because we’ve reached the point when we can hack not just computers we can hack human beings and other organisms. There is a lot of talk these days about hacking computers and email accounts and bank accounts and mobile phones, but actually we are gaining the ability to hack human beings.


Now what do you need in order to hack a human being?
You need two things: You need a lot of computing power and you need a lot of data, especially biometric data, not data about what I buy or where I go, but data about what is happening inside my body and inside my brain.



Until today nobody had the necessary computing power and the necessary data to hack humanity even if the Soviet KGB or the Spanish Inquisition followed you around everywhere 24 hours a day, watching everything you do, listening to everything, you say still they didn’t have the computing power and the biological knowledge necessary to make sense of what was happening inside your body and brain and to understand how you feel and what you think and what you want.



But this is now changing because of two simultaneous revolutions: on the one hand, advances in computer science, especially the rise of machine learning and AI are giving us the necessary computing power; and at the same time advances in biology, especially in brain science are giving us the necessary understanding of biolometrics, so that you can really summarize a hundred and fifty years of biological research since Charles Darwin in three words: organisms are algorithms.



This is the big insight of the modern life sciences that organisms were the viruses of bananas or humans they are really just biochemical algorithms and we are learning how to decipher these algorithms. Now when the two revolutions merge, when the infotech revolution merges with the biotech revolution, what you get is the ability to hack human beings; and maybe the most important invention for the merger of infotech and biotech is the biometric sensor that translates biochemical processes in the body or in the brain into electronic signals that a computer can store and analyze. And once you have enough such biometric information and enough computing power, you can create algorithms that know me better than I know myself.


Humans really don’t know themselves very well, and this is why algorithms have a real chance of getting to know ourselves better. We don’t really know ourselves. To give an example, when I was 21, I finally realized that I was gay after living for several years in denial and this is not exceptional. A lot of gay men live in denial for many years, and they don’t know something very important about themselves. Now imagine the situation in 10 or 20 years when in algorithm can tell any teenager exactly where he or she is on the gay-straight spectrum and even how malleable this position is. The algorithm tracks your eye movements, your blood pressure, your brain activity and tells you who you are.(中略)



You wouldn’t even know that this was happening but they will know and this information will be worth billions. Once we have algorithms that can understand me better than I understand myself, they could predict my desires, manipulate my emotions and even take decisions on my behalf. And if we are not careful, the outcome might be the rise of digital dictatorships.



In the twentieth century democracy generally outperformed dictatorship because democracy was better at processing data and making decisions. We are used to thinking about democracy and dictatorship in ethical or political terms but actually these are two different methods to process information. Democracy processes information in a distributed way: It distributes the information and the power to make decisions between many institutions and individuals. Dictatorship on the other hand concentrates all the information and power in one place.



Now given the technological conditions of the 20th century, distributed data processing worked better than centralized data processing, which is one of the main reasons why democracy has outperformed dictatorship and why for example the US economy has outperformed the Soviet economy.

But this is true only under the unique technological conditions of the 20th century. In the 21st century new technological revolutions, especially AI and machine learning, might swing the pendulum in the opposite direction. They might make centralized data processing far more efficient than distributed data processing and if democracy cannot adapt to these new conditions, then humans will come to live under the rule of digital dictatorships.

And already at present we are seeing the formation of more and more sophisticated surveillance regimes throughout the world, not just by authoritarian regimes but also by democratic governments. The US for example is building a global surveillance system while my home country Israel is trying to build a total surveillance regime in the West Bank.





But control of data might enable human elites to do something even more radical than just build digital dictatorships by hacking organisms. Elites may gain the power to re-engineer the future of life itself because once you can hack something, you can usually also engineer it; and if indeed we succeed in hacking and engineering life, this will be not just the greatest revolution in the history of humanity: This will be the greatest revolution in biology since the very beginning of life four billion years ago.



For four billion years nothing fundamental changed in the basic rules of the game of life. All of life for four billion years dinosaurs, amoebas, tomatoes, humans, all of life was subject to the laws of natural selections and to the laws of organic biochemistry.


But this is now about to change. Science is replacing evolution by natural selection with evolution by intelligent design, not by the intelligent design of some God above the clouds, but by the intelligent design of our own. The intelligent design of our clouds, such as the IBM cloud and the Microsoft cloud, are the new driving forces of evolution.


At the same time science may enable life, after being confined for four billion years to the limited realm of organic compounds, to break out into the inorganic realm. After four billion years of organic life shaped by natural selection, we are entering the era of inorganic life shaped by intelligent design. This is why the ownership of data is so important.


If we don’t regulate it, a tiny elite may come to control not just the future of human societies but the shape of life-forms in the future.

Then how can we regulate the data, the ownership of data? We’ve had 10,000 years of experience regulating the ownership of land; we have had a few centuries of experience regulating the ownership of industrial machinery; but we don’t have much experience in regulating the ownership of data which is inherently far more difficult because, unlike land and unlike machinery, data is everywhere and nowhere at the same time. It can move at the speed of light and you can create as many copies of it as you want, so does the data about my DNA, my brain, my body, and my life. Does it belong to me or to some corporation or to the government or perhaps to the human collective?




At present big corporations are holding much of the data and people are becoming worried about it. But mandating governments to nationalize the data may curb the power of the big corporations only in order to give rise to digital dictatorships.

Politicians are like musicians and the instrument they play on is the human emotional and biochemical system; a politician gives a speech and there is a wave of fear all over the country; a politician tweets and there’s an explosion of anger and hatred; now I don’t think we should give these musicians most sophisticated instruments to play on.

And I certainly don’t think they are ready to be entrusted with the future of life in the universe, especially as many politicians and governments seem incapable of producing meaningful visions for the future. Instead what they sell the public is nostalgic fantasies about going back to the past. As a historian, I can tell you two things about the past: First of all, it wasn’t fun. You wouldn’t like to really go back there; and secondly it’s not coming back.





So nostalgic fantasies really are not a solution. Then who should own the data? I frankly don’t know. I think the discussion has just began, but most people, when they hear the talk about regulating data, think about privacy about shopping, about corporations that know where I go and what I buy, but this is just the tip of the iceberg.


There are much more important things at stake. In this sense, the discussion is hardly began and we cannot expect instant answers. We had better call upon our scientists, philosophers, lawyers and even our poets, and turn their attention to this big question: how do you regulate the ownership of data? The future not just of humanity but of life itself may depend on the answer to this question. Thank you.








  • 一方はネオリベ、グローバルな価値観に支えられたオープン志向で、仮想通貨のような分散的な相互監視システムを利用してデータ管理を社会化していく方向。
  • 他方はデジタル世界から切り離された領域への引きこもり。生体データを握られたくなければ、究極的にはスタンドアロンでいくしかない。オンラインをやめ、アナログ世界で生きる選択だ。この方向へ向かう人は政府や大企業を信用しないだろうから、「我関せず」でデータ統治の問題など考えないかもしれない。

