
2022-08-23宗教, 文明文化の話, 歴史, 神秘思想・秘儀宗教



イエス一派にずっと批判的で敵対的なファリサイ派(Pharisee、昔はパリサイ人といっていた)はヘロデ政権下で台頭した勢力。新約聖書で “律法学者” といえば、ほぼファリサイ派の悪口をいうときである。


※2022/08/23 以下引用した英原文は現在リンク切れになっていて読むことができません。ご了承ください。

The House of Herod seems to been involved in a plot to subvert the emerging Christian movement, by altering its doctrines to conform with their own mystery doctrines, featuring the death of and resurrection of a god, known as the Son of God. According to the Gospel of Mark, “Be careful,” Jesus warned them his disciples. “Watch out for the yeast of the Pharisees and that of Herod.”


The power of the Pharisees was exercise through the Sanhedrin. The Sanhedrin was originally instituted when Moses was commanded as follows:

“…Gather to me seventy men of the elders of Israel, whom you know to be the elders of the people, and officers over them; and bring them to the Tent of Meeting, that they may stand there with you.”



God commanded Moses to “lay hands”, a rite of ordination known as Semicha, on Joshua. It is from this point, according to Rabbinic tradition, that the Sanhedrin began, with seventy elders, headed by Moses, for a total of seventy-one. However, before the second century first century AD, the Sanhedrin lost all significance when a powerful monarch was at the helm.



Interestingly, a second and distinct meaning of Semicha, practiced by the Sanhedrin, is the laying of hands upon an offering of a sacrifice in the times of the Temple in Jerusalem. This involved pressing firmly on the head of the sacrificial animal, thereby symbolically “transmitting” sins onto the animal.

It would seem, therefore, that the Sanhedrin had conspired to kill Jesus as a form of ritual sacrifice, and as atonement for their sins. This is in keeping with Kabbalistic and Mithraic doctrines, perpetuated by the House of Herod, whereby human sacrifice was an act pleasing to their god, and was believed to liberate the devotee from sin, that is, from obedience to God.

エルサレム第一神殿の時代、サンヘドリンが執り行った供犠儀式セミカ。その第二(叙階以外)の意味に注目だ。供犠のセミカでは、動物の頭に手を載せて強く押し、動物に罪を “移す” ことが行われたという。

Mattias Stom, Christ before Caiaphas















ただどのように対象を変えようとも、神崇拝の根源は恐怖である。サンヘドリンの心境を推し量るなら、イエス(台頭しつつあったキリスト教会勢力、革新勢力)への恐怖がヘロデやファリサイ派には自分たちの死として意識されたのだろう。そこで濡れ衣でもかまわない、とにかく公式の場で “反動分子” を葬ろうと画策したのである。







By this time, Joseph of Arimathea would have already removed the body, and conspired with the two Marys to spread the message that Jesus had resurrected from the dead.


However, according the Gospel of Barnabas, it was not Jesus that was crucified, but Judas in his place. This is a tradition preserved as well in the Koran. The Gospel of Barnabas explains, “Those disciples who did not fear God went by night [and] stole the body of Judas and hid it, spreading a report that Jesus was risen again; whence great confusion arose.”


Those disciples mentioned in the Gospels as spreading this message were again the two Marys but also Salome. Mary Magdalene is usually identified as the women out of which Jesus exorcised seven demons, or with Mary of Bethany and the woman sinner, who anointed Jesus’ feet. She is also identified with the adulterous woman he saved from stoning by the Pharisees.

But Mary Magdalene came to be identified prostitution, it is because of an esoteric interpretation which regards her as a “sacred prostitute” to officiate at the mysteries, or as consort to the “son of god”, as she is featured in the Gnostic texts.



The purpose of this mission would be that, to the unwitting masses, Jesus would be interpreted as the “Son of God”, and believed to have died and risen again.

To those initiates who could be duped into higher levels, however, they would be instructed of the real meaning of the interpretation, where Jesus was equated as the enemy of their “god”, and believed to have been killed as a form of ritual sacrifice.

This esoteric interpretation came to be known as Gnosticism, and became the basis through which the Western occult tradition subverted Christianty, and secretly inculcated the worship of Lucifer.


秘儀参入者の高い位に入ってくれそうなイニシエートに向かっては、”神” の敵であるイエスを、供犠儀礼によって殺したと信じさせようとした。



これらの根本の意味は「100%知っていると確信している」か「確信していない」かの差なのである。「オレは神を知っている。100%確信をもって知っている」と主張するような “アブナイ” 人たちをグノーシス主義者と呼ぶのだ。特定の宗派には限定されない思想傾向をいう概念なのである。


The man responsible for the introduction of a Gnostic interpretation into Christianity, though he was otherwise thought to have been its enemy, was Paul. Though usually judged to be separate traditions, the various schools that evolved from Alexandrian mysticism, were all related, and represented branches of the mysteries, in particular, the Mysteries of Mithras.

The alchemical symbolism of Mithraism was found in Hermeticism, said to derive from a supposed ancient Egyptian sage known as Hermes Trismegistus. The interpretation of these mysteries was offered in a school of philosophy known as Neoplatonism, believed to derive originally from Plato. When these ideas were melded to the emerging Christian movement, they produced the heresy of Gnosticism.




In order to worship evil, it is first necessary to elevate it to the level of a god, a notion which the Gnostics borrowed from the primitive dualism of the pagans.

According to doctrines of Gnosticism, from which the entire Western occult tradition derives its source, the Bible is to be interpreted in reverse. Though he was a lesser god, in the pantheon of pagan gods, God sought to proclaim himself the sole god. Therefore, God, who created the world, is evil.

After having created humanity, he was oppressive in his insistence of rules of morality. Supposedly then, it is the devil, or Lucifer, identified with the dying-god, who “liberated” man by instructing him in the truth: the Kabbalah.






The followers of Jesus had persisted in Jerusalem, where they were known as the Early Church, or Nazarenes, and were headed by James, the “brother of the Lord”. In accordance with the mission of Jesus, according to Matthew, they were strict adherents of the Law.

On the contrary, Paul imposed a mystical interpretation of the religion, whereby Jesus was equated with the dying-god of the mysteries, who was believed to have died for the sins of mankind, and therefore, it was permitted not to follow the ancient Law. Thus, Paul’s Gentile converts were permitted to reject circumcision. It was this matter that brought him into direct conflict with the Early Church of Jerusalem, who attempted to suppress his deviations.



Paul seems to have been part of a conspiracy on the part of the House of Herod, as the keepers of a mystery tradition, in the form of Mithraism, to subvert the emerging Christian movement, by conforming it to their occult doctrines.

Paul was from Tarsus, the capitol city of Cilicia, the very hub of the intrigues that produced the Mithraic religion. In addition, according to Robert Eisenmen, in Paul as a Herodian, there is evidence, in the New Testament, early Church literature, Rabbinic literature, and Josephus, to suggest some connection between Paul and so-called “Herodians.” Eisenmen concludes:



“Though these matters are hardly capable of proof, and we have, in fact, proved nothing, still no other explanations better explain the combination of points we raise. One thing cannot be denied, Paul’s Herodian connections make the manner of his sudden appearances and disappearances, his various miraculous escapes, his early power in Jerusalem, his Roman citizenship, his easy relations with kings and governors, and the venue and terms of his primary missionary activities comprehensible in a manner no other reconstruction even approaches.”


According to Eisenmen, Paul’s rejection of the Law is representative of the liberal attitudes of the Herodians to religious law, and their pro-Roman policies. Paul speaks in an unguarded moment in Rom 16:11 of his “kinsman Herodion.” The reference immediately preceding the one to “Herodion” in Rom 16:10, i.e., is to a certain “household of Aristobulus,” being that there were two or three Aristobuluses in the Herodian family, from different lines living at the same time.



In addition, the Valentinians, chief among the early Gnostic groups, claimed it have received their doctrines from Theudas, a disciple of Paul. Elaine Pagels points out:


“Instead of repudiating Paul as their obstinate opponent, the Naassenes and Valentinians revere him as the one of the apostles who, above all others, was himself a Gnostic initiate. The Valentinians, in particular, allege that their secret tradition offers direct access to Paul’s own teaching of wisdom and gnosis. According to Clement “they say that Valentinus was a hearer of Theudas, and Theudas, in turn, a disciple of Paul.”


Late Greek naassēnos, from naas snake, from Hebrew naḥash


As a result of Paul’s mission, Christianity grew among non-Jewish communities, referred to as Gentiles, which became increasingly separated from the teachings of the Nazarenes of Jerusalem until the Nazarene community were treated as a deviant sect.

Then, in response to what were perceived as growing heretical tendencies, the emerging orthodoxy stressed their version of the apostolic tradition, by focusing on the gospels and letters of Paul, whereby Jesus was equated with the dying-god of the mysteries, whose death and resurrection were celebrated every Easter.






堕天使(fallen angel)ルシファー。その起源はバビロンやアッカドなど相当古い。当初ユダヤ教の伝統には悪魔や天使という発想は存在しなかった。ペルシャのマズダ―教(ゾロアスター教)から採り入れたという説が有力だ。



Old English Lucifer “Satan,” also “morning star, Venus in the morning sky before sunrise,” also an epithet or name of Diana, from Latin Lucifer “morning star,” noun use of adjective, literally “light-bringing,” from lux (genitive lucis) “light” (from PIE root *leuk- “light, brightness”) + ferre “to carry, bear,” from PIE root *bher- (1) “to carry,” also “to bear children.” Venus in the evening sky was Hesperus.




イルミナティの語源はルシファーの光属性を受け継ぐべく “enlightened”、すなわち「光を受けたもの」である。




… Livingstone shows that modern secular culture is really the product of an occult tradition that can be traced back to ancient Babylon through Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Templars, Plato and the Cabalists.


Essentially, this tradition adopted Lucifer as symbol of mankind’s rebellion against God. It enshrined human reason, appetite and will as the ultimate standard of goodness and truth.

It usually defined freedom in terms of destroying the moral and social order. Freedom means dissipation not uplift and empowerment. The occult’s real aim is to empower the elite.



 Livingstone, who is not “religious” explains: “The basic principle of most religions is to behave unto others as we wish to be treated….a principle of justice…[In contrast] the occultist…is lured by his vanity to seek a type of knowledge that sets him apart from others, maintaining that it is the preserve of the elite.”


Livingstone shows how this occult dogma was secretly adopted by key elites throughout history and was behind the English (1649), American (1776), French (1789) and Russian Revolutions (1917), three of which involved regicide.



Secularism is as much a religion as Christianity. The “separation of church and state” is a stratagem to enshrine Lucifer as the god of the modern world. Masonic secularism’s goal is to destroy genuine religions like Christianity and Islam.


Secular people can be moral when they follow their conscience, which is God’s voice. But they are more likely to stray if they don’t believe that the good is part of a real moral order.


Reason divorced from an absolute morality (God) can be used to justify anything, including mayhem and tyranny. The goal of the new world order is to divert humanity from God’s Plan and enslave us to a vicious Satanic elite.


Read what Svali, an Illuminati defector wrote about the Illuminati, a superwealthy group of Luciferians who plan a world police state:


“The Illuminati is a group that practices a form of faith known as “enlightenment”. It is Luciferian, and they teach their followers that their roots go back to the ancient mystery religions of Babylon, Egypt, and Celtic druidism. They have taken what they consider the “best” of each, the foundational practices, and joined them together into a strongly occult discipline. Many groups at the local level worship ancient deities such as “El”, “Baal”, and “Ashtarte”, as well as “Isis and Osiris” and “Set”…. I do know that these people teach and practice evil.”

「イルミナティは “啓蒙” 信仰を実践するルシフェリアン(ルシファー崇拝者)の組織です。同志教育の教えによれば、イルミナティの起源はバビロン、エジプト、ケルトのドルイド祭祀など古代の秘儀宗教に遡るといいます。彼ら曰く、イルミナティは古代秘儀のいいとこどりなのです。その後、独自の儀礼を開発し、オカルト要素の強い教義にまとめあげた。各支部ではエル、バール、アシュタルテ、イシス、オシリス、セトなどを拝んでいますが・・・、悪を教え、実践するのをわたしはこの目で見ました」。

Historians are paid to suppress this truth.








かといって、政治や経済の場ですべてが “自然に” 起きているとも思えない。むしろブログ主には支配に見えるのは単なる副産物であって、彼らの主要目的は彼ら自身が神になることにあるという気がする。彼らはグノーシス主義者なのだ。「オレは100%真実を知っている」と確信したい人たち、神しか知らない真理を知って独り占めにしたい人たちなのである。
