





Globalisation Over Nationalism

So what I want to talk to you today is about the role of nationalism and nations in the world of the 21st century. Until a short time ago it seems that nationalism was waning and that humankind is on a path to becoming a single global peaceful community.

But now nationalism is making a comeback and not just in some remote corners of the world but also in the hegemonic powers of Western Europe, of North America, of Russia, China and India. What does the revival of nationalism signify?

Does nationalism offer real solutions to the unprecedented problems of the 21st century? Or is it a kind of escapist indulgence that might doom humankind and the entire ecosystem to disaster?





Before addressing this question we need to dispel a very widespread myth. Contrary to what many people think, nationalism is not a natural and eternal part of the human psyche or of human biology. It’s actually a very very recent evolutionary development. Homo sapiens is a social animal by nature but for millions of years until about 5000 years ago humans lived in small intimate communities in which everybody knew everybody else.


Only in the last 5,000 years or so these small clans and tribes started to form larger and larger groups until they formed large nations comprising millions of strangers where the basic characteristic of the ancient clans and tribes was that they were intimate communities everybody really knew everybody else.



Nations are communities of strangers: you don’t know most other people in your nation. I don’t know the 8 million other people who share my Israeli citizenship. You don’t know the 1.2 or 1.3 billion people who share your Indian citizenship, they are your brothers and sisters and friends only in the imagination.



So if nationalism and nations are not natural to humans, why and how did they appear?

They appeared not a long time ago because nations can solve large-scale problems that small tribes cannot solve and nations can utilize large scale opportunities that small intimate clans cannot utilize. The first big groups of people, kingdoms and nations appeared about four to five thousand years ago in the Indus Valley, the Nile Valley, the Euphrates Valley, and the Yellow River Valley.



Until that point those river valleys were populated by many small, independent tribes the river was the lifeblood of these tribes. It was the source of the prosperity but it was also a source of great danger. If there was not enough water in the river there was drought and people starve to death. If there was too much water in the river then the river overflowed flooding villages and fields and granaries and again people starve to death. There was nothing that the small independent tribes could do about these problems because each tribe commanded just a very small part of the river, it could mobilize only a few hundred people to dig canals and build dams and so forth.


This was one of the main reasons why the small tribes coalesced to form large kingdoms and nations, and these nations now commanded thousands of kilometers in millions of people and they could build the large dams and canals and reservoirs and granaries that helped humans control the river and that increased the security and prosperity of the people who lived in these kingdoms and in these nations.



And indeed for thousands of years nations provided people with many essential services and with a greater degree of security and of prosperity. The milder forms of nationalism and patriotism have been among the most benevolent of human creations because they enabled cooperation between strangers: They enabled me to care about people that I never met and never will meet and to cooperate effectively with them towards common goals and this was very good.


Some people imagine that, without nationalism, we will all be living in a peaceful paradise, but actually far more likely, without nationalism, we would be living in tribal caves. And indeed, if you look today at the world, then the most peaceful and prosperous nations of the world like Sweden and Switzerland and Japan, they have a very strong sense of nationalism. Countries that don’t have a strong sense of nationalism like Afghanistan and Somalia and Congo are usually chaotic and poor.



So the key question to ask about the role of nations and nationalism in the 21st century is whether nations are still the right framework to address our main problems and opportunities and to ensure the security and prosperity of humans.


And the answer is no.



Nations are no longer the right framework. Nations today in the 21st century are like the small independent tribes that lived along the Indus Valley five thousand years ago. We all humans now on earth live along a single global river: a river of information, of scientific discoveries, and of technological inventions.

This river is the source of our prosperity but it is also a great threat to human civilization into the survival of the human species. No nation can hope to regulate this river of information and inventions by itself.


この大河は私たちの繁栄の源であると同時に、人類の存亡を左右しかねない一大脅威でもあります。 いかなる強大な国家も単独でこの情報と革新の大河を規制する力を持ちません。


All the big challenges we now face are global in nature, and therefore demand global solutions. These are the nuclear challenge, the ecological challenge, and the challenge of disruptive technologies.



So let’s start by looking at the nuclear challenge which is the most familiar challenge to us because it has been with us since 1945. Since the 1950s and 60s, it has become very clear that no single nation can protect itself or the world against the nuclear danger.


During the Cold War many people believed that humankind is simply incapable of rising up to the challenge of nuclear weapons, and they thought that sooner or later the Cold War will turn into a very hot nuclear war which will destroy human civilization, and much of life on Earth.


As we all know this did not happen. Humankind managed at least until today to prevent nuclear war, and the Cold War actually ended peacefully. But this was not due to the actions of a single nation like the United States, it was due to the collective action of many nations the U.S. and the Soviet Union and China and India and the non-aligned movement, they all contributed to changing the most fundamental rules of geopolitics.


For thousands of years war seemed to be an inevitable and natural part of international relations. War was the standard tool that every country used in order to advance its interests but since 1945 thanks to the combined actions of many nations war has been declining.



Since 1945 there has not been a single war between great powers, few borders have been redrawn through naked aggression and many countries not all countries but many countries simply stopped using war as a standard political tool.


In 2017 last year despite horrendous conflicts in some hotspots like Syria and Yemen and Ukraine, actually fewer people died in 2017 from use of violence than from obesity or car accidents or suicide for the first time in history.


You are now your own worst enemies. You have a greater chance of killing yourself statistically than a chance of being killed by any soldier or terrorist or criminal. Sugar is now a greater danger than gunpowder, and you’re more likely to die from drinking too much coca-cola than from being blown up by Al Qaeda, and this is all very good news. But there is no insurance; there is no guarantee that this will continue we have to safeguard this amazing achievement in the coming decades.



The reason that humankind avoided nuclear war and that war in general declined, it wasn’t because some God came to our help, it wasn’t because of some divine miracles; it was because of human wisdom, humans making wise and good decisions. But there is no guarantee that we’ll continue to make wise decisions, we are, at least some of us and some of our leaders, might start making very stupid decisions. You should never underestimate human stupidity.


I can tell you that human stupidity has been one of the most powerful forces in history and it is still a very powerful force. So in order to ensure the survival and prosperity of human civilization in the 21st century, we need to continue privileging the prevention of nuclear war over the interests of any one particular nation.


Zealous nationalists who cry my country first, my country is the most important, they should ask themselves how can your country do it by itself without the help of a robust system of international cooperation; how can one nation protect itself and the world from nuclear war?

It cannot.




The second big global challenge that we are facing is the ecological challenge. We are destabilizing the ecological system to such a degree that we now face the danger of climate change and of ecological collapse.


For thousands of years homo sapiens proved itself to be an ecological serial killer. We have been responsible for the extinction of numerous animals and plants and other organisms. Now we are putting in danger the survival of our own species as well ahead of much of life on Earth.


And whereas nuclear war is just a future potential that might happen but not yet, climate change and ecological collapse are our present reality. It is already happening all around us and if things continue in the present course, in 50 years it might be impossible to live in Mumbai either because the Indian Ocean will rise and swallow up much of the city, all because it will be so hot that nobody could live here at least not in the hot season of March, April, and May. And this is something that no single nation, however powerful it may be, can prevent by itself because nations are not ecologically sovereign.


India for example is a very powerful nation but it is not an independent nation when it comes to the ecology. Ecologically it is dependent on what other countries are doing. There are many things that the Indian government can do to help slow down or prevent climate change. It can raise taxes on carbon emissions. It can encourage the switch from fossil fuels to renewable energy. It can invest in research and development in the relevant field. But all these good policies, if they are adopted only by the government of India and China, Russia, the U.S. and so forth, continue with business as usual, then Mumbai will still be destroyed. To save itself from ecological disaster, there is a need for global cooperation.



But the biggest challenge of all is probably the third challenge of technological disruption. In the coming decades artificial intelligence and bioengineering are going to create enormous new opportunities as well as enormous new problems.


To give a few examples, one prominent example is that the rise of artificial intelligence might completely disrupt the global job market. AI and computers and robots are expected to outperform humans in more and more jobs, and in more and more tasks.



Billions of people might be pushed out of the job market and we will see the creation of an enormous new class―the useless class. Just as the Industrial Revolution in the 19th century created the urban working class, the automation revolution of the 21st century might create the useless class. They are not useless from the viewpoint of their mother or husband or children, no human is ever useless from the viewpoint of their loved ones. But useless from the viewpoint of the economic and political system. We might have millions hundreds of millions of people with no economic value and therefore also no political power, and this is extremely dangerous. There are all kinds of ideas what to do about this.

何十億という人々が仕事を奪われ、無用者クラス(Useless Class)という新たな階級が生まれる可能性があります。19世紀の産業革命が都市の労働者階級を生んだように、21世紀のオートメーション革命が無用者クラスを生むのです。母親や夫や子供の視点から、つまり愛する人々の視点から無用な人など存在しません。しかし政治経済的な観点から無用な人が生まれるのです。何億もの人々が経済的価値ゼロ、政治的価値ゼロとなれば非常に危険な社会になります。この事態にどう対処するか、様々な方策が検討されています。


One popular idea is to have universal basic income: The governments will tax the big corporations which will become very wealthy from all these robots and computers, and use these taxes to provide unemployed workers with basic income or basic services. This is a very interesting idea, but to be effective it must be implemented on a global level, not on a national level, because the automation revolution will have very different impact on different regions and nations.


Some regions like the high-tech hubs of Silicon Valley will become fabulously wealthy even much more wealthy than they are today, but other regions other countries that today depend on cheap manual labor might completely collapse. And then the question is do you think that American voters and taxpayers will agree that the U.S. government will raise taxes on Apple, Google and Microsoft in California and then send the money to Bangladesh to pay unemployed textile workers in Dhaka?


It is extremely unlikely, but if we don’t have a global solution to this problem, then some nations might be very rich but other nations could completely collapse, and the resulting chaos and violence and immigration waves will destabilize the entire world.



Another global problem created by the new technologies might be the development of autonomous weapon systems―killer robots. This is one of the most dangerous technological developments, but again no nation can prevent this from happening by itself because no nation has a monopoly over science and technology and the research and development in relevant fields.


If one nation, let’s say the U.S., places a ban on the development of killer robots, but other nations like China or Russia develop such weapons, then very soon the U.S. itself will feel compelled to break its own ban because it wouldn’t like to stay behind. Especially in a xenophobic dog-eat-dog world, even if one country chooses a high-risk high gain technological path, nobody could afford to remain behind. Everybody will be forced to follow. So if we want to avoid such a race to the bottom that endangers all of humanity, we need some kind of global loyalty and global identity.



But maybe the most important impact of the new technologies is that they will change the very meaning of humanity, and they will change the basic rules of the game of life.


For four billion years, that’s a very long time, four billion years nothing fundamentally changed in the basic rules of life. All of life for this immense period was subject to the laws of natural selection, and of organic biochemistry. It doesn’t matter if you were an amoeba, a dinosaur, a banana plant, or a homo sapiens, you were made of organic compounds and you evolved by natural selection. This did not change.



But in the coming decades, it is going to change. Science is about to replace natural selection with intelligent design as the chief motto of evolution. Not the intelligent design of some God above the clouds, but our intelligent design, and the intelligent design of our clouds―the IBM cloud, the Google cloud―they will be the driving forces of evolution.


And at the same time life is about to break out of the limited organic realm and start spreading into the vastness of the inorganic realm. We are about to create the first inorganic life force after four billion years of evolution.


And in the process our own species, homo sapiens, is likely to disappear not because we will destroy ourselves, but because we will change and upgrade ourselves into something very different. In a century or two earth will probably be dominated by entities that are far more different from us than we are different from Neanderthals or from chimpanzees.


Today we still share with Neanderthals and chimpanzees most of our bodily structures, of our physical abilities, and of our mental faculties, our hands, our eyes, or brains of social relations, our emotions, they are very similar to those of other Apes and other mammals. But within a century or two the combination of artificial intelligence and bioengineering will create completely new bodily and physical and mental traits that completely break from the hominid and mammalian mode.


Consciousness itself might be disconnected from any organic structure or alternatively we might see the decoupling of intelligence from consciousness; and earth will be dominated by entities that are super intelligent, but completely non conscious, highly intelligent computer programs that have no minds, no feelings, and no emotions. So really humankind is about to gain divine powers of creation. We are in the process of becoming gods.



And the big question that faces us in the coming decades is what to do with our new godlike powers. We need ethical guidelines and goals, and nationalism just cannot provide us with the necessary guidelines and goals because it thinks on the completely wrong level, it thinks on a different level. Nationalism thinks on the level of territorial conflicts between nations, lasting decades and centuries like the conflict between India and Pakistan or between Israel and the Arab world.



But here we are talking about cosmic processes lasting billions of years. We talk about the end of one cosmic process where organic life has been evolving by natural selection, and the beginning of a completely new cosmic process in organic life shaped by intelligent design.


What has Israeli nationalism to say about it, what has Indian or French or Russian nationalism to say about it? Nothing, because they are thinking on the wrong level to address this kind of questions: We need a cosmic not a nationalist perspective.



To conclude them, the basic idea of this talk is very simple that global problems need global solutions, and nationalism just cannot provide us with the necessary solutions.



It does not mean that nationalism has no role to play in the 21st century or that we should abolish all nations and turn humankind into some kind of homogeneous gray goo. There is still plenty of room in the world for the good kind of patriotism that celebrates the uniqueness of my nation and my special obligations towards it.


Gray Goo
ナノテクの “暴走” (無限増殖)が地球生命を脅かす科学想像上の事象。

But we shouldn’t confuse being unique with being supreme. Yes, my nation is unique every nation is unique and I have special obligations towards it, but it doesn’t make my nation supreme and it doesn’t deny the fact that I have obligations towards other groups as well. In order to survive and flourish in the 21st century, humankind must complement their national loyalties with an obligation, with a loyalty toward a global community.

でも独自性と至高性を混同してはなりません。私の国を含めすべての国はユニークであり、国民は全員祖国に対する責務を負っていますが、だからといって愛国心や責務が国の至高性を保証するわけではありません。私は自国に対すると同様、他の国々に対しても責務を負っているという事実は否定しようがないのです。 21世紀、人類が生き残り繁栄を続けるためには、祖国に対する責務と地球社会全体に対する責務を両立させる必要があるのです。

And a person can and should have loyalty simultaneously to many groups. Even today a person can and should be loyal to her family, her profession, her neighborhood, and her nation. So why not add humankind and the planet Earth to this list?


Now of course it’s true that when you have multiple identities and multiple loyalties sometimes there are conflicts, but whoever told you that life was simple, deal with it.



It’s difficult. In the past nations evolved because humans had problems they couldn’t solve on the local tribal level. In the 21st century nations are like the old tribes; they are no longer the right framework to address our most important problems. We are already living in a global world, we have global ecology, we have global economy and we have global science, but we still have only nationalist politics.


And this mismatch prevents the political system from countering our main problems. To have effective politics, we need to do either of two things: Either we deglobalize the ecology, the economy, and the science, and make them local, or we globalize our politics.

Now it is obviously, actually impossible, to deglobalize the ecology in the march of science, and it will be extremely costly to deglobalize the economy; therefore the only real solution is to globalize our politics. Thank you.


