【語源学】深淵について01 ― abyss と tehom

2018-05-29宗教, 文明文化の話, 語源学





The current form in English is a 16c. partial re-Latinization. Greek abyssos was used in Septuagint to translate Hebrew tehom “original chaos” and was used in the New Testament for “Hell.” OED notes, “the word has had five variants, abime, abysm, abysmus, abyssus, abyss; of which abyss remains as the ordinary form, and abysm as archaic or poetic.” In reference to a seemingly bottomless gulf from 1630s.

ギリシャ語abyssus→ラテン語abyssos経由というのはおなじみの経路だ。原意は”depths of the earth or sea; primordial chaos”だという。primordialというのは「始原の」という意味で単に古いだけではなく、「もっとも古い、始まりのとき」を指す。グレコ・ローマン世界では「始原の混沌を地の底や海の底のイメージで捉えていた」ことがわかる。

Angelo Musco氏による写真プロジェクト “TEHOM” より(http://www.angelomusco.com/)








“Book Review: Gershom Scholem ― A Rich and Complicated Jewish Life” by Roberta Silman

But now I understand my Dad’s fascination with Scholem’s work on the Kabbalah, for here was a very brave man, a man who was not afraid to articulate the failure of conventional Judaism to bridge the gap between God and man.

Or in Scholem’s words, to find an answer to the sad fact that “Religion’s supreme function is to destroy the dream-harmony of Man, Universe and God, [creating] a vast abyss, conceived as absolute, between God, the infinite and transcendental Being, and Man, the finite creature.” Moreover, he had the courage to come up with an answer. As Prochnik explains it,



“Mysticism, according to Scholem, acknowledged the existence of the abyss, then embarked on a quest for the hidden bridge that might span this gap. Confronting the rupture between man and God engendered by the religious cataclysm, mysticism strove to piece together the shards, ? then continuing in Scholem’s words ? “to bring back the unity which religion has destroyed, but on a new plane, where the world of mythology and that of revelation meet in the soul of man.”


cataclysmは一般的には “deluge”(洪水)のことだが、ここでは “Noah’s flood”(ノアの洪水)を意味するだろう。比喩的に地殻大変動や社会の激変を表すときにも使われる。revelationはここでは聖書の黙示録のこと。そこに表明された終末的な世界観を意味する。

This is an enormous task, on which Scholem worked all his life; his belief that Hebrew is the only language capable of revealing divine truth informed all he did, including his need to go to Palestine as a young man; his scholarship is profound and regarded with great respect by such scholars as Cynthia Ozick and Harold Bloom, and he has influenced writers as different as Borges and Umberto Eco and Derrida and Michael Chabon.

Not only his work deserves our attention; his life is in and of itself a fascinating 20th century journey: his decision to leave Germany when he did, his close but sometimes frustrating relationship with Benjamin, his views about socialism and Zionism, his stance on the struggle to make Israel a state, and his reaction to the Holocaust and all the complications of being a citizen of Israel after the Second World War are all worth reading about.






