
トリビア, 英語の話

アメリカの知恵袋に相当する Yahoo! Answers から、英語学習のお役に立ちそうな項目を見つくろって紹介します。




日本のYahoo!知恵袋をご覧になればわかるように、やりとりのことばは平易で口語的(colloquial)です。これは万国共通でアメリカのYahoo! Answersも口語体に近い文章がほとんどで、英語学習者には日常英語(everyday English)やイディオムを学ぶ恰好の教材になります。話題もくだけたものから高度なものまで揃っています。

質問: Is USA an imperialist country?(アメリカって帝国主義国家なんでしょうか?)



Neo-imperialist. That is, Americans realized by about 1890 that taking colonies could be profitable, but that setting up a puppet government to make favorable economic deals was slicker and more internationally acceptable.


Military considerations required taking the Philippnes, Hawaii, Cuba and Puerto Rico. America had no economic interest in the Philippines per se; they simply served as a forward base for a future war with Japan, which Teddy Roosevelt foresaw in 1900.


per se
ラテン語由来の強調表現。”in and of itself”、”exactly” の意味。否定文では “off the mark”(的外れ、ポイントがずれている)なことを強調します。
例文: What you’ve just mentioned about the U.S. nationalism is not accurate per se. You’d better clarify yourself.(アメリカのナショナリズムについてちらっと仰ったことですが、聞いた限りでは正確ではないと思います。もう少しはっきり説明してもらわないと。)
Sexual advances toward a minor are without exception per se illegal in this state. (当州において未成年者に性的意図をもって近づくことは、いかなる例外もなくそれ自体で違法です。)


Hawaii was an excellent plantation for Dole Pineapple, and Puerto Rico another forward base for the defense of the Caribbean. But Americans knew they couldn’t hold on to Cuba directly, so they set up a puppet government and kept it on a leash until Castro.


keep someone (something) on a (short) leash
leash は犬のリードのこと。比喩的に「誰か(何か)を統制(拘束)下に置く」こと。犬をリードにつないでおくは “keep your dog on leash”。逆にリードを外す(比喩的に自由にする)は、”off leash” と言います。

The USA overthrew the government of Gautemala in order to keep it profitable for United Fruit, and so on. But installing the Shah of Iran was about blocking the USSR, not about a puppet government.


The Cold War confused the traditional picture of imperialism.


質問:What’s wrong with being racist?(なぜ人種差別主義者は悪いのでしょうか?)

Racism is very rational and natural. Racism should be encouraged in society. It’s forced integration and multiculturalism that’s unnatural and irrational.




Ethnic nationalism is not racism, that’s the thing. Japan wanting to stay Japanese is not racist and does not mean in any way that they hate other people. It’s logical nationalism and very nearly their divine right. I wouldn’t want to interfere with it and make them turn white or become minorities in their own country, because that just stinks.


That’s the thing.
慣用表現。ここでは “That is the point/the deal/the main concept.” の意味。これとは別に、”That’s what is in style/trending.”(いま流行ってる)を意味する場合もあります。
“You’re wearing fuzzy boots?”(変なブーツはいてるね?)
“Yes, that’s the thing these days!”(ええ、でも最近流行ってるのよ。)
turn white
通常は「白髪になる」「青ざめる」といった意味ですが、ここではスラングの “pissed off”(むかつく)に近い意味で使われています。

The definition of racism has extended to mean anything, including “failure to hate whiteness as extensively as mainstream media/public education say we should.”


up vote最多の回答

Racism has had no real positive effects in history, dear. Take it from a historian.


We probably are hardwired for it to some extent, since it would have offered our ancient ancestors some survival advantages. In our early history, we needed to be suspicious of and even hostile towards the Other — the person who didn’t look like us and didn’t share our customs and beliefs — because life was tough then, and chances were that he didn’t want to be friends; he just wanted what we had.


Hardwired means that it’s part of the system, so you can’t get rid of it; or you are programmed to do it without thinking.

But we’re not Stone Age people, or even living in the Bronze or Iron Age. We have presumably progressed a great deal, and as I said, in mankind’s recent history, racism hasn’t had any positive effects on culture and civilization. It is no longer “rational” to be racist.


Multicultural civilizations, by the way, are always richer, deeper, and more sophisticated than others. Cultural homogeneity is narrow, restricted, and impoverished.



