

ユヴァル・ノア・ハラリ氏のオンライン歴史講義 “A Breif History of Humankind” を紹介する。

講義全体はLesson 01~Lesson 17で構成されており、内容は書籍『サピエンス全史』とほぼ同じ。各レッスンは1時間以上あるから、全体を視聴するには相当の体力・気力・時間が必要。ただノンネイティブの英語の聞き取り練習にはうってつけ(ヘブライ語訛り?)。

今回から2回に分けて、全体の肝となると思われる、Lesson 16終結部で語られている「幸福論」をお届けする。これを選んだのには理由がある。


紹介するLesson 16のテーマはしあわせだ。ここだけは、他の巨視的・客観的な歴史記述と少し趣きが違う。少しパーソナルな感じがある。そこが面白いと思った。


ハラリ氏の歴史観を強引にひとことにまとめれば、人類史とは見知らぬ者同士の間で想像された秩序・現実(imagined order/reality)を共有して社会を生み出し、そのパワーを通じて生物界の王にのし上がったプロセスだ。

  • 最大の出来事は太古の認知革命(Cognitive Revolution)だった。これによって相対的弱者に過ぎなかったホモサピエンスは、大型の野獣や、ネアンデルタールなど並みいるライバル人類(?)を競り落とした。
  • 人類は認知革命で得た虚を操る言語(fictive language)を駆使して、現実界には存在しないもの(ストーリー、神、貨幣、国など)を脳内で創造した。しかも、家族などの限られた群れを超えて、それを無数の他者と共有することで社会(共同体⇒国家⇒王国⇒帝国)を形成するや、人類は地球全体に拡散していった。
  • その後、いわゆる文明を生むと農業革命⇒科学革命⇒産業革命といくつもの段階を経て進化したが、その大きな流れは拡散の結果分断されていた文明の再統合(unification of humanity)に向かっている収束しつつある。現代は法と貨幣を基軸にした資本主義世界だが、それも過程のひとつに過ぎない。
  • 将来、ホモサピエンスは己の知を外部化(非生物化)し、代替的知性体(AI、ハラリ用語ではホモデウス)を創造する方向に進みそうだ。



ハラリ氏は、いみじくもLesson 16の冒頭で、しあわせは徹頭徹尾「主観的なもの」だと、科学者たちの最新コンセンサスを紹介している。


Now the generally accepted definition of happiness as studied today by social and life scientists is that happiness is subjective well-being. This is the professional term for happiness-subjective well-being. According to this definition happiness is something that I feel inside myself. It is either a sense of immediate pleasure or a sense, a feeling of long-term contentment with the way that my life is going.




Aldous Huxley’s novel “Brave New World” which describes a world ruled with the help of psychiatric drugs everyone in this world is very happy all the time because everyone takes drugs all the time. Most readers feel there is something very wrong with that kind of world, but it is hard to say exactly what because everyone is so happy. What’s wrong with it?


The problem has to do with a definition of happiness in Huxley’s world. Happiness is defined in biological terms, simply as pleasure-to be happy is no more and no less to experience pleasant bodily sensations more and more of the time. Since all normal biochemistry, normal biochemical system limits the volume and the duration of these pleasant sensations in the body, the only way to make people experience a high level of happiness over an extended period of time is to manipulate the biochemical system with the help of drugs and other medical treatments. This indeed is a direction in which our world today is progressing not in some fiction or fantasy but in the real world. And it’s progressing in that direction in a very fast rate.



But the definition of happiness as pleasure which is common today in science and in our society is not accepted by all scholars or by all people. In a very famous study, Daniel Kahneman, winner of the Nobel Prize for economics, studied amongst other things what causes people happiness. He asked people to recount a typical workday, a usual day, and to tell what happened to them on that day in great details, going through episode by episode, and evaluating how much they enjoyed or disliked each of them. He did one of these studies on 900 and something women in Texas from working class.(中略)



What turned out is that the things, the episode that these women, on average, disliked most, or some of the things that they disliked most, was the taking care of their children. Most of their contact, most of their activities which were concerned with their children were rated as the least joyful activities of the day-like changing diapers, doing the washings of the dirty clothes, preparing food for them, and having to deal with temper tantrums and children fighting and yelling at each other. This was the least enjoyable part of everyday. They even preferred, according to the grades they gave, they even find more joy at work, than being with their children at home.



Then he also asked these women to write in general terms what are the things that contribute most to their happiness; and most of them said that their children are the chief source of happiness even though their actual contact with their children, not all but most of the activities were rated as the least enjoyable. So how to explain this discrepancy? In general, in theory, these women say my children are the source of my happiness. But when you actually look at her interaction with children, most of the things that she does like changing diapers, preparing breakfast, or separating kids screaming at each other, she doesn’t like them. So why does she say that children are the chief source of her happiness?



There are two ways in which scholars understand these results. One school of thought, one option is that people, not only these women in Texas but people in general just don’t really know what’s good for them. They think that one thing is the source of their happiness perhaps because society told them that this is what the source of happiness, but it’s not true. When you actually look at those events closely, they don’t fulfill these expectations.


Another option is that, what Kahneman studied in other sub-studies discovered is that happiness is simply something different from pleasure; happiness is not the surplus of pleasant moments over unpleasant moments; rather happiness consists in seeing one’s life in its entirety as meaningful and worthwhile. There is a very important cognitive and ethical component to happiness.


Our values are what makes the difference in the way that we see ourselves. Our values make the difference between seeing ourselves as miserable slaves to a baby dictator and seeing ourselves as lovingly named nurturing in new life and how you relate to this job of raising children.


And these scholars argue that a meaningful life, activities in which you find meaning, can be extremely satisfying even if they are not easy, even if they are hard, even if they are not joyful very much. Whereas a meaningless life, activities in which you don’t find any meaning, can be a terrible ordeal even if it is very, very comfortable.(中略)



Why? Because happiness isn’t comfort and happiness isn’t pleasure, happiness above all is finding meaning in what we do; even if what we do involves a lot of hardships and difficulties and it’s not rosy and joyful all the time. This is important. This approach has important implications for the history of happiness. People in all cultures and eras have probably felt the same type of pleasant and unpleasant sensations in their body, but the meaning that people gave to their experiences might have been very different, in different cultures, in periods of history.


If so, then the history of happiness might have been far more turbulent than what biologists imagined. It’s not a straight line where everybody always is relatively the same levels of happiness because, in pleasure and the unpleasant sensations, the body remains the same. No, its meaning has an important impact on happiness. Then there could be huge differences between the meanings that people in different cultures find to their lives.



And if this is true, this implies that life in the modern age is not necessarily better, happier than the life in previous eras like the Middle Ages. If you look at life, minute by minute, activity by activity, and judge how hard it is or how easy it is, then certainly life in the Middle Ages for most people was much harder, much more difficult, much less comfortable than life today at least for people in affluent societies.


However, if happiness depends on meaning, then still medieval people could have been even happier than people today in affluent societies because medieval people say in Europe, they could find meaning to everything that happens in their lives as the promise of everlasting bliss in the afterlife, and of their being part of this huge cosmic plan of God, the Creator God. So everything that happens to me might be difficult, but it’s full of meaning.



In contrast to these medieval people who had a very meaningful life, modern secular people in affluent societies may have a very comfortable life, but for many of them it’s meaningless. In the long run, in the long term, they can expect nothing except complete and meaningless oblivion. There is no heaven, there is no hell, there is no cosmic plan; everything that happens to me is simply unimportant and meaningless.


So, if you ask how comfortable life is, then, yes, life today is far more comfortable. But if you ask people “how satisfied are you with your life?” and “how meaningful is your life?”, then people in the Middle Ages despite all the difficulties might have been in an equal situation, or even a better situation than people today.


So this is another approach to the history of happiness. It gives a lot of importance to meaning much more than to pleasant sensations and comfort; and from this perspective, it turns out that life today is not necessarily much happier, much more meaningful than in the past.



The problem with this approach or ever is that, from a purely scientific viewpoint, a human life has absolutely no meaning. According to science, at least to science in the early 21st century, humans just like all other phenomena in the world, humans are the outcome of blind evolutionary processes that operate without any purpose, without any goal, without any meaning. Our actions, our lives are not part of some divine cosmic plan. If the planet Earth would blow up tomorrow morning with all the humans and elephants and giraffes on it, then the rest of the universe will probably keep going about; its business as usual. It wouldn’t change anything to the universe that the whole earth with all its people disappeared and blew up.



According to modern science today, any meaning that people ascribe to their lives, their decisions, and their actions is simply a delusion. We are deluding ourselves; we think we have meaning that we don’t. All these religious meanings, otherworldly meanings that medieval people found to their lives-they were delusions. And similarly the meaning that modern people try to find to their lives-the humanists, the nationalists, the capitalists-meanings of the lives of modern people too are just delusions.


Today a scientist may say that my life is meaningful because I increase the store of human knowledge. A soldier may say that my life is meaningful because I fight to defend my homeland. A business person might say that my life is meaningful because I’m building a new and successful company. But these are too all delusions, just like medieval people who thought that their lives had meaning in reading scriptures, or going on crusade, or building a cathedral.



And now we look back, and we say they were just deluding themselves. So the same is true about the lives of people today. The conclusion of this line of thinking is that, if the key to happiness is to have meaning in your life, then the real key to happiness is to synchronize your personal delusions of meaning with the prevailing collective delusion.


There is no meaning in the world, but as long as my personal story fits in line with the stories of the people around me, then I can convince myself that my life is meaningful, and thereby find happiness and satisfaction; and this is a pretty depressing conclusion. It implies that happiness, that having happiness, that being happy depends on self-delusion, and ends on the fact that nobody will come from outside to destroy your delusions. So this is a pretty depressing conclusion.



So far we’ve seen that if happiness depends on feeling pleasant sensations, then in order to be happier, we need to re-engineer our biochemical system. If happiness is based on feeling that life is meaningful, then in order to be happier, we need to delude ourselves more effectively.





サピエンス全史(上) 文明の構造と人類の幸福 [ ユヴァル・ノア・ハラリ ]

(2019/1/31 14:49時点)

サピエンス全史(下) 文明の構造と人類の幸福 [ ユヴァル・ノア・ハラリ ]

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まんがでわかるサピエンス全史の読み方 [ 山形浩生 ]

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ホモ・デウス 上 テクノロジーとサピエンスの未来 [ ユヴァル・ノア・ハラリ ]

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ホモ・デウス 下 テクノロジーとサピエンスの未来 [ ユヴァル・ノア・ハラリ ]

(2019/1/31 14:55時点)